National Environmental Policy
After decades of conflict, Somalia has taken steps towards long-term peace. The country has crafted a National Development Plan as a basis for future plans and policy developments. Against this background, the National Environment Policy is a response to our national commitment to a clean environment, mandated in the Provisional Constitution under Articles 25, 45, and The National Development Plan 2017-2019.
The National Environment Policy briefly describes the key environmental challenges currently and prospectively facing the country, the goals and objectives of environment policy, principles underlying policy action, strategic themes for intervention, broad indications of the legislative and institutional development needed to accomplish the strategic themes, and mechanisms for implementation and review.
This policy is a draft and will go through a process of extensive consultations with Federal Member States, experts, and diverse stakeholders.
The National Environment Policy is intended to be a guide to action: in regulatory development, programs and projects for environmental conservation; and review and enactment of legislations, by agencies at Federal and State levels.
The policy also seeks to stimulate partnerships of different stakeholders, i.e. public agencies, local communities, academic and scientific institutions, private sector investment, and international development partners, in harnessing their respective resources and strengths for environmental management. This is particularly crucial since it is recognized that maintaining a healthy environment is not the state’s responsibility alone, but also that of every citizen.
A spirit of partnership should thus be realized throughout the spectrum of environmental management in the country. While the state must galvanize its efforts, there should also be recognition by each individual – natural or institutional, of its responsibility towards maintaining and enhancing the quality of the environment.