Poor governance and weak social cohesion in Somalia’s Climate-stressed settings: the mediating effects of economicin efficiencies and limited human development

A recent study published in Cogent Economics & Finance by Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Nor and Dr. Mohamed Mahees Raheem explores the intricate relationship between governance failures, economic inefficiencies, and social cohesion in Somalia’s climate-stressed regions. The research utilizes Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze how poor governance exacerbates economic stagnation and human development deficits, ultimately leading to weakened social bonds and fragmented communities.

Key findings highlight that economic inefficiencies—resulting from governance failures—significantly reduce social cohesion, particularly in fragile, post-conflict environments like Somalia. The study emphasizes that governance reforms, targeted economic investments, and human development initiatives are crucial for rebuilding social trust and fostering sustainable stability.

This research presents a conceptual model linking governance, economic policies, and social resilience in post-conflict settings, offering actionable recommendations such as anti-corruption measures, equitable resource distribution, and community-driven initiatives to restore stability.

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